Linq2Sql GroupBy
I’m currently working on a taxi-type system that manages journeys for customers. All journeys need authorised before they can be carried out. There is a page that shows all journeys that require authorisation but this required changing to show 1 row per customer rather than 1 row per journey.
I got some help for this and used the great LINQPad for constructing the query before porting it into my main project.
The Query
Below is the query that I used to get the data in the required format. There are 3 tables used: Journey, JourneyBooking (optional parent of Journey) and Customer.
from j in Journeys
group j by j.CustomerID into so
select new {
Name = (from j in Journeys
where j.CustomerID == so.Key
select string.Concat(j.Customer.Surname, ", ", j.Customer.Forename)).Take(1).Single(),
OneOff = (from j in Journeys
where j.CustomerID == so.Key && j.JourneyBooking != null
select true).Count() > 0
Key Points
I make all further joins using ‘so.Key’ as this will return CustomerID because this is what we’ve grouped on.
from j in Journeys group j by j.CustomerID into so
Use GroupBy() and group all journeys by CustomerID since we want 1 row per customer.
.Take(1).Single() Due to the GroupBy the customers’ name is returned as an IOrderedQueryable
. Using [Take(1)]( returns the top row from these results, which is fine as they’ll all be the same, and using [Single()]( returns a single String result. -
OneOff = (from j in Journeys where j.CustomerID == so.Key && j.JourneyBooking == null select true).Count() > 0
This returns True in a StandingOrder column if the journey has no associated JourneyBooking record. Again this query returns an IOrderedQueryable
After running some tests I have realised that using the Any() method is quicker than using
.Count() > 0
so the query would then become:
from j in Journeys
group j by j.CustomerID into so
select new {
Name = (from j in Journeys
where j.CustomerID == so.Key
select string.Concat(j.Customer.Surname, ", ", j.Customer.Forename)).Take(1).Single(),
OneOff = (from j in Journeys
where j.CustomerID == so.Key && j.JourneyBooking != null
select true).Any()